Apache Spirit Ranch - Mountain Home, Texas
9286 Fair Ranch Road
Mountain Home, Texas 78058
United States
Our heard of 250 head resides on 5,500 acres in the Texas Hill Country. They graze and are finished on native grasses without any antibiotics or steroids. Our ranch does not use any pesticides or chemicals in addition to allowing them full access to all of the acreage. The incredible life we provide to our herd enables them to honor pure nutrition. We are able to manage our herd by processing excess bulls and supplying the great state of Texas with organic bison meat.
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We offer individual cuts as well as shares available at farmers markets, on our website, and through various food clubs. Hats and tshirts with our logo and other creative imagery change often; stay tuned.
Find our products online at our website apachespiritbison.com . You can also find us every Saturday at the New Braunfels Farmers market from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. at186 S. Castell Ave. New Braunfels, TX 78130You can also purchase our products at The Farm Connection in either Boerne or San Antonio. They are a food club with an active membership required for purchases. You can check them out at http://www.thefarmconnection.org/
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